Title: “Kash Patel made his first speech as FBI Director”
Transcript: “(00:00) [Applause] wow wow wow wow uh first and foremost we were just with President Trump and I just want to thank him I know he’s not here in the room right now but uh what a ride we have been on what a courageous Warrior and leader he has been and the faith and trust he has put in me to lead the FBI is the greatest honor that I’ll ever have in my life and to General Bondi that sounds pretty freaking cool uh Pam you’re my sister you’re my mentor you’re my friend um you’re my boss and um the confidence you have placed in me
(00:38) I will never violate that trust the men and women of the FBI will be LED under your leadership um through one standard the Constitution so thank you for entrusting me P um oh man this is effing crazy so obviously you you don’t get here alone you know I’m here because of God I’m here because of my family and I’m here because of my friends and you’re literally in this room because you made it happen um my sister uh Nisha and my my nephew Arian flew in from London just to be here my beautiful girlfriend Alexis is here um yes I I
(01:28) agree um my aunts and uncle un Les are here they’ve come from all over the country uh I’ve I am living the American dream and anyone that thinks the American dream is dead just look right here you’re talking to a first generation Indian kid who’s about to lead the law enforcement Community the greatest nation on God’s green earth that can’t happen anywhere else to the Senators and the men and women of the United States House of Representatives you placed an enormous trust in me an enormous sleap of Faith um one that I didn’t know that I could (02:05) possibly earn back but I’m going to spend every single day on this job doing so the fact that you placed the confidence you did in me has inspired me to reach New Heights at this job I promis you the following there will be accountability within the FBI and outside of the FBI and we will do it through rigorous constitutional oversight starting this weekend yeah [Applause] this great we all used to live in the same freaking house yeah I don’t have any prepared remarks I wish I could go around the room and you know tell the story about (02:46) how each and every one of you have magically touched my life to put me in this position uh what a roller coaster ride it has been um I do know this we are in this room together because you guys have a love of country that is truly inspirational and it bleeds out everywhere we go and um if you look around this room you see civil servants you see Warriors you see attorneys you see great husbands and fathers and mothers and wives and we’re fighting for the same thing our future our children this guy and uh there is no greater Mission
(03:22) uh I wish I had more words to thank every single one of you but every time I look at every single one of you you guys know the stories you can’t tell more importantly the ones you can um you know this this is Pam and I were just talking in the back and we were like do you believe this like you know we were on the campaign Trail together we were attorneys in the first Administration together now we’re here she’s the attorney general I’m the director of the FBI like this is insane um and I don’t really fully believe it (03:53) yet um I hope to but um believe um I’m just not here without you guys and uh look I know the media’s in here and if you have a Target that Target’s right here it’s not the men and women at the FBI you’ve written everything you possibly can about me that’s fake malicious slanderous and defamatory keep it coming Bring it on but leave the men and women of the FBI out of it they deserve better [Applause] and for those of you think that there’s going to be a two-tier system of justice not with attorney general Bondi there is (04:38) a singular system of justice for all Americans and there will be accountability and the reason that this mission is so important is simply the following a 100,000 people last year raped a 100,000 people died of CCP fent andol overdose and heroin 177,000 homicides violent crime is out of control we cannot have a United States of America where that is acceptable where someone dies every every 30 minutes where someone Odes every seven where someone’s raped every six that cannot be allowed to continue and it will not be allowed to continue our (05:20) national security mission is equally as important anyone that wishes to do harm to our way of life and our citizens here or abroad will face the full Wrath of the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation and if you seek to hide in any corner of this country or any corner of this planet we will put on the world’s largest Manhunt and we will find you and we will decide your end State not you we will uphold the Constitution we will uphold ourselves to the Constitution the men and women at the FBI I have your back (05:52) because you have the backs of the American people you will H you will be held to the same high standard any deviation from that standard will not be tolerated at this Federal Bureau of Investigation the men and women at the FBI who make us safe deserve better and they are going to get it with our leadership and your support God Bless America and God bless every one of you I love this country”
カシュ・パテルFBI長官 就任スピーチ(全文翻訳)
(00:00) [拍手] いやぁ、いやぁ、いやぁ、いやぁ。まず第一に、先ほどまでトランプ大統領と一緒にいました。彼は今この部屋にはいませんが、彼に心から感謝したいと思います。私たちは本当に驚くべき道を歩んできました。彼は勇敢な戦士であり、素晴らしいリーダーです。そして、私にFBIを率いるという信頼を寄せてくださったことは、私の人生において最大の名誉です。
(00:38) いやぁ、本当に信じられません。正直、ここまで来るのに自分一人の力ではなかったことは明らかです。私は神のおかげでここにいるし、家族のおかげでここにいるし、友人のおかげでここにいます。そして、あなた方全員がこの部屋にいるのは、あなた方が私をここまで導いてくれたからです。
(02:05) 上院議員の皆さん、そしてアメリカ合衆国下院の議員の皆さん、皆さんは私に対して計り知れないほどの信頼を寄せてくれました。私はその信頼を得るに値する人間なのか、自分自身でも疑ったことがあります。しかし、私はこの仕事において、毎日全力を尽くし、それに応えていきます。皆さんが私を信じてくれたことは、私にとって何よりも大きな励みになっています。
ここで約束します。FBI内外において、厳格な説明責任を果たします。そして、それは憲法に基づいた厳格な監視を通じて行われます。しかも、それは今週末から始まります! [拍手]
(02:46) 皆さんの多くは、私と同じ家に住んでいたことがありますね(笑)。実は、準備してきたスピーチはありません。でも、ここにいる皆さん一人ひとりが、私の人生に奇跡的な影響を与えてくれたことは確かです。本当に波乱万丈の道のりでした。
(03:22) 皆さん一人ひとりに直接感謝を伝える言葉をもっと持ち合わせていればよかったのですが、ただ、皆さんと目が合うたびに、私たちが共に歩んできた数々の物語を思い出します。それは、公には語れない話もあれば、語れる話もあります。
(03:53) それから、ここにメディアの方々がいらっしゃるのも知っています。ターゲットにするなら、この私をターゲットにしてください。でも、FBIの職員たちには手を出さないでください。彼らはアメリカ国民を守るために日々努力しているのです。メディアの皆さん、私については、これまでに考えうる限りのフェイクニュースや悪意のある中傷記事を書いてきたでしょう。でも、どんなに書かれても構いません。もっと書いてください。受けて立ちます。でも、FBIの職員たちには手を出さないでください。彼らはもっと尊敬されるべき存在です。 [拍手]
(04:38) そして、「二重基準の司法制度が続くのではないか」と思っている人へ。パン・ボンディ司法長官のもとでは、そのようなことはありません。この国では、全てのアメリカ国民に対して単一の司法制度が適用されます。そして、責任を追及することを約束します。
(05:20) 国家安全保障の使命も同様に重要です。我々の生活や国民に危害を加えようとする者は、司法省とFBIの全力をもって対処されます。この国内や地球上のどこであろうと、逃げ場はありません。我々は世界最大規模の捜査網を展開し、彼らを見つけ出し、最終的な運命を決めるのは彼らではなく、我々なのです。
(05:52) 神がアメリカを祝福しますように。そして、ここにいる皆さん全員に神のご加護がありますように。私はこの国を愛しています!